Welcome Caia Park Surgery
With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
We value your thoughts
Please complete this Questionnaire which will only take 2 minutes, about the care you have received with our Clinical staff, reception and or any other health professionals. Please click on the link below to complete the survey.
Caia Park Surgery be closed from
For Staff Training and Development
1pm to 5pm on
Thursday 6th March 2025
Should you need urgent medical care or advice from a GP then please call the Out Of Hours Service on
0300 123 5566
Thank You
!!Important notice!!
Please visit our new opening times tab to see new opening times of the surgery.
From 13/11/2023 The Surgery will be open Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30am and 6.00pm.
Please note our telephones will be available from 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday
Thank you
Access Standards 2019
Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition.
Join In
We hope you enjoy having a look around the site and familiarising yourself with some of the online features such as ordering a repeat prescription. Whatever your thoughts, be sure to let us know via our feedback function. Comments and suggestions are always a great way of helping us continue to enhance the way we look after you.
The building is accessible for our disabled patients through the front and rear entrances. Disabled parking is available at the rear of the building opposite the rear entrance.
security cameras are located across the surgery for security purposes.
The surgery is now implementing a video consultation method for appointments if the GP finds that this is required. This will be carried out using an NHS Wales video Consultation Service which will allow patients to have their appointments from home or wherever is found convenient. You can find out more about this software here.
(Site updated 06/03/2025)