Please be aware of high demands for appointments.
What you need to do:
If you want to book an appointment to speak to the Dr our phone lines are open at 8 am Monday to Friday.
Please note: In exceptional circumstances pre-booked appointments can be made.
Please make sure you attend your appointments promptly or contact us if you are unable to attend so the appointment can be allocated to another patient.
Please call after 9 am if your query is not appointment related.
Practice Nurse appointments that can be pre-booked these include Diabetes, Asthma, Chronic Heart Disease, General Health Checks, Cervical Smears, Blood Tests, Blood Pressure, Contraceptive Pill Checks, Smoking Cessation, immunisation and general nursing.
Patients 16 – 74
Registered patients aged 16 - 74 who have not been seen for three years may request and receive a three year review.
Patients 75 and over
Registered patients aged 75 years and over who have not been seen in the last twelve months may request and receive an annual review.